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Taco Gun Mobile

Quick Overview:

Taco Gun Mobile was our first effort as a team to test out the waters of mobile development, so we set our eye on creating a mobile game that would be developed and released for free before Taco Gun as a marketing tool and a learning experience.

Taco Gun Mobile is heavily inspired by games like Fruit Ninja. Wanting to preserve the Taco Gun "brand" and vibe, we decided to take a spin on the genre, whereby you shoot various food items with a revolver.
The pace of the game is defined firstly by the random spawning of food items being flung around the screen, and secondly by the limitation of 6 rounds per cartridge.

We've found that the reload mechanic is something that felt good for the player, injecting an extra layer of interactivity with the pace of the game, giving the player options for play and also the capability to gain mastery over the game in a different way than before.

Taco Gun Mobile development is now on hold indefinitely.

Project Goals:

The main goals of this project are to:

  • Dip our toes in the ocean that is the mobile market.

  • Create a fun game that we as well as other people can enjoy.

  • Just out of curiosity, see what happens when you market a pc game to a mobile audience.

  • Learn as much as possible about mobile development.

  • Somewhere along the way, we decided to test out animation of 3D objects as 2D sprites, so learning about baking 3D into 2D is also a goal now.

Playable Demo:

My role in this project:

My role in this project:

  • Game Design

  • UX Design

  • Art Direction


Taco Gun mobile was a great learning experience for our growing mobile team,

we did learn a lot about deploying a game to mobile devices, especially about implementing swap and tap interactivity in contrast to traditional keyboard/gamepad controls.
At the end of the day though, Taco Gun mobile wasn't set to see the light of the Google Play Store. As we exited Alpha production, it became clear that if the game was to be feature complete we'd have to put a lot of work on polish. More so, programming live service features like daily logins, database-distributed quests and leaderboards as well as testing on multiple devices would be very hard on a small team of 3.

Going over scope to try and make it as fancy and polished as our competition would be a fool's errand, so we had to make the harsh call of putting this project on hold and I still stand by that decision. It was meant to be a small game that would help us learn, and to that end, it was successful. .

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